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Research and Development

Innovation is the engine for growth

Research and Development, starting from the study of real cases, enables the development of new geometries and materials. For this reason, it is crucial in the realisation of new technologies and products and is one of ATP’s main areas, always receiving a significant share of company turnover.

The R&D department is also involved in the theoretical study of increasingly powerful materials to be offered to technicians for the design of new applications as an improvement to solutions already developed.

The introduction of FEM analysis into R&D has provided ATP with greater accuracy in the theoretical study of deformations and stresses on materials

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Fem simulations: what are they for

Research into innovative and efficient solutions coupled with the desire to pursue a constant increase in product quality, without compromising on the speed of problem solving, has impelled ATP towards a finite element simulation design (FEM analysis)..

Using FEM analysis it is possible to:

  • describe the non-linear behaviour of the material,
  • simulate the behaviour of components in different work environments,
  • check the stress and deformation states of the components designed,
  • evaluate the phenomenon of contact between the seal surface and the antagonist surface,
  • predict faults due to damage and breakage of the material.

The integration of numerical simulation within the design process allows the optimal design to be rapidly identified and thus significantly reduces the number of prototypes and experimental tests. This results in an important cost containment for the buyer company.